
Research Labratory

Contact telephone:
(+359) 32 659 757

Energy sensors

(discontinued project since 2021)

   The lab team develop a smart energy sensor (energy meter) with user friendly WEB interface. You can control the output plug status (on/off), also you can measure the current power status and two temperatures. The temperatures are monitored via precise digital temperature sensors (DS18B20) with resolution of 0.0625°C.

This controller is suitable for analysis of the efficiency of air-conditioner systems and heat pumps. A brief report was created for the efficiency of Fujitsu ASYA-12LCC (12’000 BTU) air conditioner system. The full text of the report can be found at: 2009 – TechSys’09 (Air Conditioner Efficiency)

   You can find more information about the smart energy controller here: 2011 – Electronics’11 (Power Meter)

   Also you can see the WEB interface of the real and working controller, which is installed in the laboratory here: Energy Controller

   A new system for temperature and humidity was introduced on November, 2015. It is real-time collecting data system from external custom sensors.

   The sensor collects two temperatures and humidity parameters. It is ethernet based and uploads the information to the external WEB based system: Data Monitoring System. Also the sensors has its own WEB interface and XML output status page. Simple look at the sensor interface can be found here: WEB based sensor for Temperature & Humidity.